
5 Main Challenges of Business Translations – A Comprehensive Report

Business Translations

Translation has become an integral part of daily business activities expanding into new geographical locations and e-commerce websites with multilingual content makes it obvious that global business translation services go hand in hand. Machine translation is still in its nascent stage and cannot really contribute much to the multilingual translation needs of modern business. Amazon used machine translation to reach the Hindi speaking target market in India and failed miserably. Finally they had to take the Hindi localized page from their website. The task sound s to be easy but in fact it is not. Business translation is a complicated and highly demanding job and it is not so easy as it has many challenges and the 5 most challenges are mentioned as follows:

Business Terminologies

The language of business is completely different from the language we speak in our daily lives. Every kind of business document is studded with specific terms and terminologies. While translating business documents into another language all precautions must be taken to ensure that the unique legal and business language of the target market have been well considered. This becomes crucial while translating patents, Company bylaws for corporations, Meeting minutes, Operating agreement for LLCs, Non-disclosure agreement, Employment agreement, Business plan, Memorandum of understanding, online terms of use etc.

Figures of Speech

It is no denying a fact that business documents are pretty straight forward and not stuffed up with metaphors, similes and other kinds of figures of speech. But, to add a local flavor to the marketing material companies often use figures of speech. These figures of speech are specific to a particular language and must not be literally translated. It is very difficult at times to find a metaphor in the target language that conveys the same meaning. This needs a lot of research and sensibilities on the part of the translator to do justice to the translation. If not done in a manner as mentioned the translation will be disastrous and at times may be funny delivering no real meaning in the target language.

Cultural Aspect Consideration

Website Translations & Localization means modifying an existing website into multiple languages in a way to adapt to varying preferences and cultural differences across communities staying in different geographical locations.

The task is quite complicated and demanding. The cultural aspects need to be considered while making the translation. If done without considering the cultural factors of target market dire consequences may happen including financial losses. The brand image will be hampered and the penetration into the target market will become more difficult.

Short & Urgent Deadlines

Deadlines in case of business translation are a matter of concern as it may require proofreading by a few local natives from the target audience. To get the best out of business translations the deadlines need to be realistic. Making hasty translations in short and urgent deadlines will only bring wrath to an organization.


Confidentiality is mandatory in business translation. To ensure that your business information does not become public chose a rightful translation services partner and get a Non Disclosure Agreement signed between you and your translation services partner.

Leonard Moore
Leonard Moore mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas in creating informative articles. His focus is on innovation in technology and creativity.

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