
Does Your Child Need A Tutor?

Child Tutor

If you’re wondering if your child needs a tutor, you’re not alone. According to research by the National Centre for Education Statistics, half of all students in grades 3-8 and 9-12 need help with reading and math.

But while tutoring can be a valuable resource for many children, it’s not right for everyone. Here are some things to consider before hiring a tutor:

Do they need extra help? If your child is struggling with a specific subject or skill, then tutoring may be helpful — but only if they actually need it. If they are already doing well in school, then extra time at home will just frustrate them and make them feel like they’re not good enough.

Do they need homework help? Homework problems are common among kids who struggle with reading and math skills. But if your child doesn’t have those issues and just needs more practice with certain concepts or skills, he might not benefit from one-on-one instruction from a tutor.

If you’re a parent, chances are you’ve asked yourself this question. To help you make an informed decision, here are some of the signs that indicate your child may benefit from tutoring.

Does Your Child Need A Tutor?

  1. They are struggling in school.
  2. They have below average grades.
  3. They have poor test scores and/or low ACT/SAT scores.
  4. Their teachers say they lack motivation and focus in class, or that they aren’t keeping up with their classmates as well as they should be (based on past performance).
  5. Their work is often late or incomplete due to procrastination, disorganization or lack of follow-through when given assignments or projects by their teachers (not just because they’re busy with other things).
  6. They don’t seem to “get” what’s being taught in class and need extra explanation or practice to master concepts that come easily to most other students (even if they do understand the material conceptually).
  7. They don’t seem engaged while taking tests or quizzes, which makes it difficult for them to recall information during exams (even if they know it well).

Are there subjects that your child struggles with at school?

If so, what is your child’s grade in those subjects? If his or her grades are low and there is no improvement after repeated attempts by the teacher, then it may be time to consider getting help outside of school. A tutor can provide additional practice and instruction that might make all the difference!

Is your child having trouble keeping up with his or her classmates academically?

For example, do they seem behind in their reading level or struggle with math problems that other children seem to be able to solve easily? This could be a sign that they need additional support outside of school hours in order to catch up with their peers. You can contact Oldham Private Tutors for more information. Learn more about the effective methods to boost your child’s learning skills, on this website:

Leonard Moore
Leonard Moore mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas in creating informative articles. His focus is on innovation in technology and creativity.

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