Home Improvement

How a Home Plumbing Newcastle Network works

Home Plumbing

How a home Plumbing Newcastle network works. Have you ever wondered how the domestic water supply and drainage network works in your home?

Let’s see in a simple way how the plumbing network works in our homes.

Most of the plumbing system is hidden within the walls or false ceiling of our homes, but in reality the system is very simple and its maintenance very easy to do.

How a home Plumbing Newcastle network works

The typical plumbing system of a normal house includes three parts:

A water supply system, a set of appliances in fixed installations, and a drainage system. Water is supplied by a private company or public company and passes through a meter that records the amount we consume.

The supply network is usually under sufficient pressure to guarantee adequate flow throughout an area or region. Once the water has passed through the meter, it reaches our home, where a general cut-off faucet is placed, which isolates our house from the rest of the installation, the number of general cut-off faucets will depend on the type of dwelling and the design of the installation.

The supply reaches the water heater, which can be electric, gas, diesel, etc., and is distributed in a network of hot and cold water pipes, and in certain cases, a network of return pipes to guarantee the hot water supply.

This network of pipes connects with all the fixed appliances and installations

Sinks, bathtubs, showers, washing machines, etc. A cut-off valve is placed in each wet room in order to isolate the installation by zones. In turn, each installation device has its own cut-off valve that facilitates maintenance, repair or replacement.

The Drainage Network

The waste water enters the drainage system, firstly it passes through a siphon, an inverted U or S tube that maintains the water and prevents gases and odors from entering the house, each appliance usually has its individual siphon,

In the case of showers or bathtubs a siphon is used that is placed on the floor of the wet room. In some appliances, this siphon is recordable, so you can clean it or recover a ring or small object that you have lost while washing.

The most important thing in the drainage system of our homes is to guarantee ventilation, the primary ventilation system consists of vents placed on the roofs of our buildings and that guarantee that there are no suctions in the system, and that would limit the correct flow of the drainage water. (In certain cases, systems can be used under the roof)

The drainage network is connected to the municipal sewer system through buried collectors at the foundation level of our house and which usually have a system of manholes for its maintenance and repair. When there is no municipal sanitation network, a septic tank system is used for the treatment of wastewater. You can learn about the home improvement services you can get, on this website: http://www.buildgreenatlantic.org

Learn more about the water supply system and how it works, on this website: www.plantware.org

Leonard Moore
Leonard Moore mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas in creating informative articles. His focus is on innovation in technology and creativity.

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