
How To Identify If You Are Suffering From Traumatic Brain Injury?

personal injury attorney

When an outside object hits the head with great force or the brain is impacted internally due to severe whiplash, it may result in traumatic brain injury. This acquired brain injury occurs specifically due to external violence to the head, either penetrating or impacting. This injury often results in loss of consciousness at the accident scene, which can be dangerous and need extra medical care. If you suffer from a head injury in an accident, it is best to hire a Hartford personal injury attorney.

How to identify if you are suffering from traumatic brain injury?

Unfortunately, most of us assume that once an affected driver has been sent home, there is nothing serious about their health. It can be a dangerous assumption because significant head trauma symptoms can have delayed symptoms that are debilitating and subtle symptoms that can affect the person for months or even years after the initial accident.

People with severe signs of traumatic brain injury should seek immediate medical attention.

  • Chronic headaches
  • Balance issues
  • Confusion
  • occasional nauseous
  • extreme drowsiness
  • Unsteady speech
  • Vomiting

Concussion vs. brain injury

TBIs are brain injuries from a blow to the head or body. It can penetrate through the brain cells. The injury ranges from moderate to severe. Symptoms can be headaches, pins and needles, tingling in the hand after the accident, permanent brain injury, and loss of vision. Sometimes it can be deadly. People can get traumatic brain injury symptoms after years later too.

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury where the brain function gets affected by a collision or jarring blow to the head or body. The back-and-forth movement of the brain inside the skull can harm brain cells and change the brain’s chemistry.

Identifying the subtle symptoms

Most people can recognize the early symptoms of traumatic brain damage; if they do, he/she should seek medical attention as soon as possible. But, there are additional, more delayed symptoms after a head injury that are essential but often overlooked. The symptoms can indicate long-run problems like tingling in hands or scalp numbness.

Change in personality

It is a significant and detrimental long-term symptom of a traumatic head injury. Our brain is a delicate organ; how it is affected depends on the head injury type and specific impact location. A blow to the frontal region can result in significant brain damage.

Excessive lethargy

It is natural for a person to be exhausted after suffering a TBI. but if lethargy and exhaustion continue after the body starts to heal, it indicates lingering TBI symptoms.

Leonard Moore
Leonard Moore mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas in creating informative articles. His focus is on innovation in technology and creativity.

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