
Know the importance of technical support when hosting websites

hosting websites

Technical support is not always considered when it comes to website hosting. However, this is a much more complex service than you might think.

To reflect on the role of technical support in web hosting is to develop a critical view of how important this service is to the customer. After all, we only remember it when a problem, usually serious or that we don’t know how to solve, happens. You can learn about the technical support of companies and how they can help you, on this website:

In this article, we will detail how far the technical support assignments in hosting sites go and why it is indispensable. You will see what to expect from this service to make the best choice when hiring you. Follow!

What is technical support?

To understand what a technical support service is, we can start by using the concept of CSS (customer service and support), widely used in the information technology (IT) industry.

According to Gartner, the largest global technology research company, “customer support service is responsible for maintaining and expanding the relationship when a (technological) product or service is sold.” In other words, it must provide the contractor with the necessary support for resources and tools to work, help solve technical problems and ensure availability.

In this line of reasoning, we can simplify the understanding of what technical support is: specialized support to help contractors and users to resolve eventual failures and ensure that the service is not interrupted.

Regarding the hosting of websites, then, we understand technical support as an aid in the identification and quick resolution of problems on the server or any other layer of the technological infrastructure responsible for ensuring that websites and web applications are always available and secure.

How does technical support on web hosting work?

Every good website hosting service offers excellent technical support to its customers. In addition to providing answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ), support is prepared to correct unexpected errors, protect against threats to information security, among other incidents.

What happens in case of unexpected error, failure? The customer immediately gets in touch with the support, because the professionals who serve him are prepared for this. If, for example, the site is slow, visitors can give up and never come back. This is a serious problem. It can indicate, for example, that the web server is in trouble – who gives this answer, and solves it, is the support analyst.

Speed ​​and stability are two major concerns for those who hire website hosting and, therefore, should be treated with the utmost care and attention by the support teams. After all, it does not make sense to have a website or web application if it is slow and “falls” all the time.

Each website hosting company has its own technical support guidelines. However, in general, it is expected that companies in the industry have a specialized team prepared for all technical issues involving hosting – always ready to answer calls.

Depending on the size of the hosting provider, the technical support team may have hundreds of support analysts. Usually, this team is divided by service channels and levels of knowledge / expertise.

What not to expect from technical support from a website hosting company?

It is important to note that there are several competencies that are not the responsibility of the technical support of a website hosting provider. Here are a few:

  • issues related to the creation and maintenance of websites;
  • any configuration outside the hosting environment;
  • customization of applications installed on the website (however they may have been provided by the hosting provider).

What are the levels of technical support for website hosting?

It is also important to know that there are different levels of technical support to deal with different levels of complexity involved in this type of operation.

Thus, starting from the most basic to highly complex problems, the website hosting provider ensures that all risks (availability, security, etc.) are covered by your service.

Usually, even before talking to a support analyst, the customer is screened. It provides initial information in the chat or phone, for example, so that you are directed to the appropriate level of support to solve your problem.

It is through these pre-established levels that the technical support teams are able to deliver the best experience to their customers and remain competitive in a market that is increasingly competitive.

Satisfying customers’ needs and desires and ensuring the best service is the main objective of leveling support.

What are the technical support channels most used by website hosting companies?

The efficiency of a technical support service in hosting websites also depends on the quantity and quality of the channels made available to customers. That is, it is important that users have the means to communicate with analysts quickly and efficiently.

Among the most frequently used channels are:

  • Chat: in the service area, the customer opens a conversation window with the support team;
  • Telephone: direct connection to professionals;
  • Call: the customer opens a “ticket” in a messaging tool – usually used in more complex and targeted cases;
  • E-mail: most used for questions or problems that do not require urgency;
  • Social Networks: from Facebook to Twitter, some companies offer the possibility to start basic support through them.

How and why to evaluate technical support before choosing a website hosting service?

To conclude, within everything we’ve seen so far, let’s think a little bit about choosing a website hosting provider considering technical support as an important item to be evaluated.

Before hiring the provider, it is essential to know how customer support works. Criteria such as opening hours, available channels, speed of response to calls, quality and cordial service, etc. need to be checked.

Good advice is to go beyond the hosting provider’s commercial speech. Talking to active customers and researching reviews and complaints on the web can help a lot. It is also a good choice to require as much detail as possible from the technical support service according to the plan you will contract with the supplier.

So, what did you think of the reflection proposed in this article? Does your website hosting service provide good technical support? Learn more about the customer support service and how you can hire a professional for this role, on this website:

Leonard Moore
Leonard Moore mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas in creating informative articles. His focus is on innovation in technology and creativity.

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