
What You Need To Know About Reckless Endangerment Charges in Missouri

Reckless Endangerment Charges in Missouri

When you’re stopped for a DUI in Missouri, it is likely that an officer will charge you with more than just a DUI offense. Additional charges may include something as simple as rolling through a stop sign or speeding, which may have been indications to the officer of your intoxicated state. Often, though, the charges can be much more serious, especially if another person is somehow involved. You can learn about the traffic rules and regulations in different regions of the world, on this website:

Most of these charges fall within the area of reckless endangerment in Missouri. Endangerment laws apply to a variety of situations, but in the case of DUI charges, they generally relate to situations where an intoxicated driver potentially or actually caused harm to another person.

Legal Penalties for Reckless Endangerment in Missouri

Reckless endangerment can be also described as careless and imprudent driving if it is its own charge. The consequences of reckless driving in Missouri include, but are not limited to these general penalties as defined by Driving Laws:

  • Imprudent and careless involving an accident. Imprudent and careless driving offenses which involve an accident (collision) are considered class A misdemeanors. A conviction takes up to a year of jail time and a maximum two thousand dollars in fines.
  • Careless and imprudent driving. Generally, imprudent and careless driving is considered class B misdemeanor. Motorists who are convicted face up to 6 months in jail time and a maximum of a thousand dollars in fines.

When it comes to careless and imprudent driving charges with a DUI charge, things can get a little confusing. Missouri laws in this area are fairly complicated, but generally allow for an additional charge to be brought against someone if they put others at risk while intoxicated. This can include anything from carrying another person in your vehicle while you’re intoxicated and driving to manslaughter cases where another person is killed as a result of your actions and intoxication.

Get Legal Advice Today

In almost all cases, any kind of irresponsible endangerment charge along with a DUI is enough to pushing a charge into the felony territory. In Missouri, felony offenses almost always include jail time, on top of hefty fines and any additional charges for the DUI. While you should never drive drunk, especially with other people in your car with you, if you find that an officer has added any additional charges to your Missouri DUI report, it’s best to seek legal aid to understand the charges and their potential implications if you’re found guilty, and work to get them reduced when possible. Learn more about various service charges and taxes you can be asked, on this website:

James Smith
My name is James Smith. I'm a content writer who's willing to write good articles. I write many helpful articles about daily live blogs.

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