
Handy Looks at Ways to Promote Your Website for Free

Website for Free


You have a breathtaking website up and running. Now, it’s time to attract traffic to the site. According to Handy, there are two ways to attract traffic to your website and you should probably try out the latter before you try the first option. The first and obvious option is to promote your website by hiring a digital marketing company. It’s easy and good for those who have a lot of resources to spend on marketing. But before that let’s look at a few free and effective options:

The Ways

  1. Improve your SEO game – One of the best and most effective ways to get your website to rank higher on Google and other search engines is SEO or Search Engine Optimization. You don’t need to spend a single dime on SEO, unlike its expensive cousin, SEM (Search Engine Marketing). Good SEO involves various factors like keyword optimization, uploading content regularly, optimizing your headings for being easily discoverable on the search engine, and other various factors. When your website comes up on the first page or within the first few results, it is bound to attract a lot of visitors.

  1. Try email marketing – Email marketing has proven that it works time and time again and can-do wonders for your website. The brilliance of the idea lies in its simplicity. Anyone can send an email to a large list and get a few hits. However, if you can write it carefully, make it concise and attractive with an interesting art form, you can raise your website traffic by a significant margin. Your CTAs or call to actions need to be prominent and the content has to be punchy. Get detailed information about the marketing strategies that you can adopt, on this website:

  1. Blogs are awesome – If you are wondering about the efficacy of blogs, think about what you are reading at the moment. Search engine algorithms favor websites that have blogs. They don’t just improve your website ranking but also improves your conversion rate drastically. Moreover, as you write blogs, you would be forced to do research, expand your knowledge, and add to your professional skills.

  1. Guest Blogging – Think of it as YouTubers or other social media influencers collaborating together for mutual benefits. If a writer in your field or industry with a popular blog writes a blog on your own blog, you can tap into their network and generate leads. The guest blogger can benefit in a similar way. This also helps you to grow your network in and outside of your industry.

  1. Use your email signature – Anyone who gets your mail will see your signature, whether they want to or not. Make sure to leverage that by adding your logo, links to your social media accounts, and your website. You can also add other relevant contact information for the easiest pie of online promotion.


Handy believes that free alternatives in website promotion don’t just help you to work on tight budgets, but also help you improve your skills and add many more. Get detailed information about the promotion and marketing methods for your small to medium-scale business, on this website:

Learn more about the best way to promote and market your business, on this website:

James Smith
My name is James Smith. I'm a content writer who's willing to write good articles. I write many helpful articles about daily live blogs.

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