
LOHASLED TELL YOU:RGB mixed color LED lamps are dead

LED lamps

A few years ago, when the LED Par lights first turned out, they received a lot of attention. People exclaimed that the new generation of lighting technology is such magic. However, it didn’t take long for us to point out the disadvantages of LED Par lights, and their light perception seemed strange. Get detailed information about the advantages of installing LED lamps instead of florescent lamps, on this website:

The problem is that most LED lamps on the market were mixed with RGB. At the lower end, the three colors are evenly distributed and occupy the entire lamp cap. This was the situation ten years ago, and it hasn’t changed much today. The better thing is that the three-color light emitters are made into one lamp bead. Even if you adjust the algorithm and light source, but want to make a pure white, it is almost equivalent to a fantasy.

After connecting the three points of R, G, and B, they form an equilateral triangle. They can only mix the colors in the triangle. Because white is also in it, the brightness of each color is very high.

For colors like golden, dark green, and sauce purple, RGB is impossible to make, and the colors they can express are very limited. Some readers say, I lower the brightness of red, isn’t it deep red?

The three attributes of color are hue, saturation, and lightness. We are talking about hue. Changing the lightness will not affect the hue.

Some lamps add an A (amber), but it is useless, because the amber itself has very limited help for the yellow performance of the lamp, and its greater role is to adjust the color temperature. Some lamps have added A and W (white) lamp beads at the same time. Its purpose is to improve the effect of white light. This has no effect on changing the texture of the color. It simply does not solve the problem of too light color.

The problem is much better when changing to a 7-color mixing system fixture(LOHAS LED E26 Color-changing light bulbs). The 7 colors are: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and blue. After connecting these 7 dots, many colors are framed, and the colors of navy blue, magenta, etc. are also included.

The colors displayed by the 7-color mixing system lamps completely cover the RGB mixing system lamps.

But with current technology, it is impossible to make golden, ocher, grape purple and dark green. Looking forward to the next generation of light source changes can solve these problems for us. Perhaps the following video can better help you understand the advantages of seven-color mixing and give you some thoughts. Learn more about different decoration gadgets and devices, on this website:

James Smith
My name is James Smith. I'm a content writer who's willing to write good articles. I write many helpful articles about daily live blogs.

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