
Taking Care of Parenting Challenges During a Contested Divorce


Contested divorce proceedings can be quite complex. With extensive legal hassles, a long drawn process and multiple issues, it is never easy to reach an agreement. Property division, spousal support, child custody, payment of debts and other factors constitute the basic grounds of a contested divorce.

At a time such as this, when emotions run high and stress levels are hard to control, children can suffer the most. While mutually settling custody claims with your ex might seem to be a difficult prospect, it is in the best interest of the children to have relationships with both parents. In most cases, family courts will rule in favor of joint custody. Visitation rights for non-custodial parents are also granted when the mother or father is granted sole custody.

Therefore, it is extremely important to think about your children before seeking a contested divorce. It is always recommended to establish a co-parenting schedule that is beneficial for children. Let’s take a look at some factors that can help you to handle parenting challenges during a contested divorce.

Make A Convenient Plan

Once custody of children is granted to a parent, a convenient schedule must be worked out to handle logistic issues. For example, if a parent is unable to meet children during the school week due to transportation issues or other hassles, arrangements must be made to compensate for it during holidays. Similarly, if one parent has a vehicle and the other does not have access to a vehicle to transport children to and fro, both parents must chip in to share the travelling costs.

Prioritize Children’s Needs

Children may find it difficult to adapt to a custody arrangement. Never compromise their needs. Try to understand their feelings and prioritize what they want. While the divorce may cause significant emotional turbulence, it is also the time to take care of your children. Work out an arrangement that is suitable for your children and try to fix something that does not disturb their normal routine. Whenever possible, take their suggestions into consideration.

Be Ready to Compromise

If you are seeking a contested divorce, tensions may be already running high. But, don’t let it affect your children. Although custodial rights will be decided according to a schedule that does not cause a lot of inconveniences, not everything will work out in your favor. So, be ready to compromise and try to be flexible in your approach.

Take Wise Decisions

A bitter divorce, especially a contested divorce can leave a bad taste in your mouth. You may also be angry, but do not use your children to take revenge. Avoid creating unnecessary obstacles for your children with an inconvenient co-parenting schedule. Your children must get the love of both parents and your decisions can have a lasting imprint on their minds.

Consult A Lawyer

An experienced divorce attorney can help to simplify child custody plans. Without being influenced by emotions, judges often deliver objective rulings taking into consideration the best interest of spouses and children. Your attorney can play a pivotal role in negotiating a favorable co-parenting schedule.

Leonard Moore
Leonard Moore mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas in creating informative articles. His focus is on innovation in technology and creativity.

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