Home Improvement

Tips To Improve You Energy Efficiency This Winter

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Winter can be a difficult time to stay warm and comfortable in your home. The colder weather makes you use more energy, which means higher bills. But there are ways to make your home more energy efficient and save money on heating costs. Winter is a great time to make energy-efficient improvements to your home. Winter is coming and with it, the need to prepare your home for the cold months. If you’re on the fence about whether or not you want to make some energy-efficiency improvements this winter. You can learn about effective ways of improving your daily routine, on this website: http://www.diytelevision.net

It will save you money. According to the U.K. Department of Energy, homeowners can save up to 20 percent on their energy bills by making simple improvements like weather-stripping doors and windows and installing new light bulbs.

It’s good for the environment. Reducing your carbon footprint helps preserve the planet for future generations — but it also helps reduce pollution in your own neighborhood by lowering emissions from power plants and cars that burn fossil fuels.

It’s easy to do yourself. You don’t have to be a construction expert or an experienced DIYer to make these changes; they’re simple enough that even beginners can tackle them with no problem at all (and if something goes wrong, we’ve got lots of tutorials online). This makes it easier than ever before for homeowners who want to make their homes more efficient but don’t know where to start!

Shut off the lights in rooms that aren’t being used. It’s tempting to leave them on when you go to bed or when you’re away from home, but this wastes energy. Use light timers for lamps and other electrical devices that are on for long periods of time.

Insulate your attic and basement walls. Doing so will keep heat from escaping through them and improve your energy efficiency.

Check your refrigerator insulation blanket or door gasket if it appears worn or damaged. Replace any loose insulation with fiberglass batts (rolls). You can also place an insulating foam board behind walls where it’s easy to access without cutting into wall studs (typically in attics). This helps prevent cold spots from forming at junctions between adjacent studs in exterior walls, where heat loss occurs most readily through gaps between the studs.

Use programmable thermostats when setting your heating system temperature at night or while gone on vacation or business trips during the winter months.

Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) or light-emitting diodes (LEDs). These bulbs use less electricity than traditional bulbs and last longer than CFLs, but they cost more initially than incandescents do — typically $5-10 each for LEDs or $1-2 each for CFLs versus $1 or less for incandescents — so it may take several years before their long life spans start saving money on your electric bill compared with incandescents’ short lives. Learn more about the solution to high electricity consumption in your house, on this website: www.buildgreenatlantic.org

Leonard Moore
Leonard Moore mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas in creating informative articles. His focus is on innovation in technology and creativity.

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